Monday, October 31, 2016

Windesday Story

Once upon a time it was very windy. Mr. Grimm fell over the fence. Mr. Grimm ate a part of the cactus.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

swamp story

Spider Flash is in a tree. There is an Airplane in the sky. The Airplane  crashed down. Spider Flash saw the crash. He jumped and grabbed an apple out of the tree.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Forset story

The Dirty Bubble is in the forest. The Dirty Bubble is using the walking stick because he sprained his  ankle running away from the police. He  robbed the Krusty Crab. He ran to the Chum Bucket, and robbed again. He went home to go to sleep. After he woke up he went to the mall and spent  the money on pizza.